Monday, October 22, 2012

Short & Sweet

Yesterday while browsing Small Stream Reflections Alan (aka brktrt) was commenting on bringing simplicity into your life and adding as a bonus pictures of some of the foods he enjoys to that end.

As usual, my (and others based on comments) reward and appetite centers were triggered. I (unlike others based on comments) was able to quench those triggers easily this time. My sister's birthday is this week and we (her children, husband, grandchildren, in-laws, and nephews) took her out for brunch. She and I got the French Toast and my son and wife got the Eggs Benedict. It was very good and very filling. Everyone was happy with their choices.

The pictures aren't the best quality but they will suffice.

Since this is a fishing blog about me going around the state of MA (primarily) I thought it would be appropriate to show that I am at least trying to catch something. I was down the Cape for work last week and could not pass the Cape Cod Canal without stopping and casting for about 20 minutes. I didn't catch anything but it was great to be there on a beautiful fall afternoon.

Sagamore Bridge on the horizon.


  1. The French Toast looks great! The canal is a tough place to fish.

  2. It is always good Savage. If you are ever in the Boston area, then the name of the restaurant is Exchange Street Bistro in Malden (a few miles north of Boston).

    As for the canal, I have never had any luck but I just can't pass it without tossing a plug or spoon.

  3. I hope Mark's OK after seeing this.
    No Red Brook?

  4. Hi Alan,

    I know........he may have to make a run to the store.

    I was in Falmouth and stayed longer than I wanted so I stuck with the canal.

    I may be down there again for work this week or next.
    Do you think they will still be there?

    1. They're spawning now in the brook.
      You might have a chance to hook a beaut.

    2. What should I use?
      Thanks. I hope I have better luck than my last trip there.

  5. I don't eat out much, but when I do I go for a 48 oz. steak smothered in onions and mushrooms along with a good 1/2 pounds of potatoes.

  6. Hi Howard......I love that meal too except I can't eat that much steak.

    My brother-in-law got the steak and eggs but I couldn't get a picture because by the time I took a picture of my meal and my son's he had eaten a decent amount. I didn't think anyone wanted to see that.

    Have you gone to the Capital Grill, Ruth Chris or Morton's for steak? Morton's is my favorite of the bunch. Great steak, wonderful service and excellent ambience necessary for those special occasions.
